Saturday, March 24, 2007

Please Welcome to The Educational Mac Family...

This blog and podcast are a little over 2 years old. One of the first posts to the blog was about the birth of my 3rd grandchild, Kaden. Well, today I am announcing the birth of Kaden's little brother, Cole. Cole was born on Tuesday, March 20th at 12:39 pm. Mom, Baby, Dad and adoring big brother are all doing well. See You in a Few!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Educational Mac Podcast #39–March 19, 2007

Get the Podcast Here
UCET WrapUp Decompression Never test new equipment on site or Kelly Sucks Time spent with David Warlick It was so great spending time with David. I even got to teach him something.
The same week, I get to hear Ian Jukes live for the first time. I cut a Take Five from one of his sessions.
My new best friend who doesn't even know who I am–Podcast Review of the month Dan Schmit Kidcast PodcastiTunes Link Dan's Books Kidcast GarageBand Mechanics
App of the Cast Google SketchUp–Full day of training. The training was amazing. It is so nice to know what all of the controls can do. At least now I can create a house that actually looks like a house. Instructor Alex Oliver SketchUp training is what they do. They have 2 training DVDs, but they also have a video podcast called The Sketchup Show. It is available directly at the site or via iTunes.
$60 million in new tech funding statewide in Utah, whatever will we do with it? Will we do the right things? What are the right things?
Why is life always so crazy?(or why can't Kelly get a podcast out on time.)
See You in a Few!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Seeing is Believing

Over the past couple of years I have probably read over 100 blog entries stating in one form or another that learning is conversation. This concept has never hit me as hard as it did today as I did some observation in a kindergarten classroom. I watched a teacher do a marvelous job of explaining to the cute little ones what there task was to be. The kids went back to their desks and started working on their task. However, they didn't seem into it.

Then the interesting stuff happened. The volume in the room began to grow, but it wasn't idle conversation. The kids were talking about what they were doing and as they talked they got more excited about the task. The volume never got overwhelming, but the energy that developed was really impressive.