Teaching in the Digital AgeIntroducing self, T4 Site, Podcasts, National University, Blog http://drapestakes.blogspot.com, family
Talks about the fact that he is preaching to the choir.
70 Million blogs- some of them have to be good - david sifri, Technorati
Tags ttix07, presenters name (firstlast)
Todays topic is change, not money, school change, student change, teacher change
40% of teachers in Utah are older than 50
Teachers are stuck in a rut
In helping teachers, we help students
Technology for teachers
Other things are out there.
Times have changed, we're not in the 90's
"We live in a world where the only thing constant is change!" Ian Jukes
Just 2 years ago life was different
2 years ago...
There were nine planets
Brad and Jen now Brad and Angelina
New Orleans pre Katrina
Virginia Tech just another school
No Windows Vista
No XBOX 360, PS3, Wii
Just beginning video podcasts
AJAX just beginning
No YouTube, TeacherTube
No Twitter
Back to Jukes quote.
The only question is how do we keep up.
Karl Fisch-We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't been invented in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.
These are amazing times
Students have changed...
Two year-old daughter on computer clicking mouse–Who taught her?
The kids pick it up.
Photo of daughter showing grandpa how to use his iPod-Who is teaching whom?
Children today are growing up immersed in media.
83% Children 0-6 use a screen media in a typical day
65% Live in a home where the TV is on at least 1/2 the time
Kids are active consumers.
77% turn on the TV by themselves
67% ask for particular shows
62% use remote to change channels
4-6 year olds
70% have used a computer
27% use a computer in a typical day
56% without parents
Kids want to Create
They've created a new language
IM Speak
Abbreviations all parents should know http://www.netlingo.com
Books now being written in IM
Lauren myracle
Dying Language
IM Speak vs Latin
Kids don't care that the language is dying
No one can stop them from doing it. Not even teachers.
"These teens were born into a digital world where the expect to be able to create, consume, remix, and share Lee Raimi-PEW
65,000 uploads per day to YouTube, 2700 uploads per hour, 45 per minute
57% of online teens create content for the internet
Sharing-Creative Commons
Showing videos from YouTube
Guitar Canon–20.9 million views
Hey Clip–14.7 milion views
Fast Food Freestyle–6.6 million views
Toto Africa Machinima–14,000 views
Lot's of creativity–Can't we harness that in our schools
Sunday Bloody Sunday–President Bush
Is it goofy?
Is it Useful?
Generation D
Digital Natives
Button-Pushing Generation
One Key Question
Are we Engaging Them?
More times than not we are not.
Our schools are changing (slowly)
One way we can adapt is to use the technology that our kids already love.
Keynote handout will be available at http://www.ttix.org